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MUG | 10 OZ.
No ordinary mug..... these mugs are created with precise form and function. A mug should fit easily in a variety of hands. Craigs vast experience has created THE perfect mug!  Understanding the handle proportion-details are critical to both the balance, aesthetic design, and overall function. Sturdy for everyday use of ones favorite hot or cold beverage - and small hot fudge sundae dashing out the door on the start of a road trip!
MUG | 16OZ.
This design is one of my personal favorites. The simple yet stylistically unique concept translated so well into the finished product. Whether you’d like your own, or have something completely different in mind, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Get in touch today and discover the possibilities our collaboration could create.

"Do not go where the path may lead. Instead, go where there is no path and leave a trail."